Vivo IQOO’s new Twitter page confirms new 5G devices soon.


Vivo IQOO is now going to debut in the Indian market with two new 5G smartphones, as reported by the trusted sources. The twitter page shared the very first post saying that the brand is going to make the Indian people witness 5G soon in the country from their side.

Moreover, there are rumors that the brand has started rolling out a few devices for testing purposes. According to reports, IQOO will be launching two smartphones and one of them will be featuring the latest 5G technology. Vivo IQOO will be one of the first few brands to introduce 5G smartphones in India. The era of 5G is almost here, and according to reports by the end of 2020, most of the major smartphones will be 5G enabled.

Another post from @iQOO_In hints the Liquid Cooling technology in the device as well as a camera that will be placed along the top-center of the display as punch-hole design. Nothing more is disclosed by the brand and we are waiting for another response.

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