Nikhil Siddharth Tollywood’s young hero collaborates with the cute actress Anupama Sukumar for the upcoming film ‘18 Pages‘. Nikhil Sidharth’s last film Karthikeya-2 makes a huge response among the fans. All the songs of this movie that have already been released have entertained the listeners immensely. Recently, the film team brought another new update regarding this movie. The same released trailer of this movie. The film follows the story of Sukumar.
The trailer of the film 18-page really gives you a feel-good feeling. We can say that Nikhil has selected a good love story. The twist is not everyone will feel good, after watching the trailer. The new trailer starts with Nikhil who is checking his Facebook notifications on his smartphone. On the other side, the cute actress Anupama enjoys the rainwater by sitting inside the train.
The new trailer depicts the real-life scenario of this generation. While one is very obsessed with the digital world i.e. likes, views, and everything, another person is exactly the opposite like to stay close to nature and enjoy all the natural aspects. She is really a nature lover and loves to stay away from the virtual world.
However, the two opposite worlds come together. The simplicity and honesty of Anupama’s character attract Nikhil. He falls in love with her. Nikhil is like living in heaven, but the situation has changed within a few minutes as Anupama has been kidnapped by an unknown gang of goons. Nikhil is unable to rescue his love. The entire situation becomes difficult for them and Nikhil starts to find her desperately. We will see many power-pack action scenes in this film. Anupama has seen in pain and shouting loudly. It seems like she has been tortured by someone badly. After a long separation and action sequences, the two meet with each other.
The two-love bird realizes what really love means. At the end of the trailer, a dialogue from Anupama really touches the heart, “We shouldn’t have a reason to love. there shouldn’t be an answer to why we love.” Anupama’s dialogue is interesting. 7 AM Sarayu acted as Nikhil’s friend in this movie.
18 Pages: Cast
Thus, the director created a good feeling with the trailer itself before the release of the film. Also, the trailer seems to have given a good emotional touch along with some thrilling elements to the romantic love story. Anupama Parameswaran is playing the heroine in this film opposite Nikhil. It is jointly produced by GA2 Pictures and Sukumar Writings banners. Banni Vasu is acting as the producer. Mega producer Allu Aravind is presenting. Palnati Surya Pratap is directing.
18 Pages: Release Date
The sweet-sour love drama film will hit the screens worldwide on 23rd December 2022.
Here is the trailer:
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