At last, Mohanlal dropped the trailer of the latest film 12th Man which is going to premiere on Disney Plus Hotstar. This is a crime thriller film based on Jeethu Joseph’s forte. After watching the trailer the film currently becomes the topic of discussion. The film set-up is literally feeling just like a mystery just opposite a locked door.
The story revolves around a group of young men and women who are exploring a jolly trip to a hill station. There are 11 people in total, all the things are going fine until their peace of mind becomes interrupted by a strange and unknown guest, that’s the 12th Man who is played by Mohanlal.
The appearance of Mohanlal is like an over-friendly alcoholic, who hurts a company. There are like more to him. After that, the trailer starts to expose the dark turn and piques for the fans. The latest trailer gives some indications that all of the characters in this film are just not actually who are they claiming for, In this, it seems like each person hiding a secret. However, there happened a murder committed at the location where the group staying on holiday. The mysterious ending of the trailer is who becomes dead and who committed this act.
This film is definitely a good one to watch at the time of a hot afternoon or on a rainy evening with family.
12th Man: Cast
This film features Unniu Muykundan, Saiju Kurup, Shivaa, Anu Sithara, Anusree, Priyanka Nair, Anu Mohan, and Rahul Madhav, Leona Lishoy, Candunath, and Aditi Ravi.
12th Man: Production Status
This 12th Man film of Mohanlal marks the fourth collaboration with Jeethu Joseph. At the first, we have seen this duo in the crime thriller Drishyam which became a big hit at the box office, after they again join in the team of Drishyam 2 that was dropped just earlier this year. Before Drishyam 2, they started the shooting of the action thriller title Ram, but the production has to be put on hold as the makers are reportedly waiting for the perfect time travel to continue the shooting.
12th Man: Release Date
This upcoming crime thriller film will hit on 20th May 2022.
Here is the trailer:
A big thanks for source1 & source2.
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